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PAŞA Sığorta | About Company

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Company Name
PAŞA Sığorta
Cabbarova Ülviyyə Kərim qızı
Registration Number
Phone Number
M.Useynov 61, Sahil Plaza, Bakı, Azərbaycan
Official Website

PASHA Insurance OJSC is a recognized leader in the insurance market of Azerbaijan. To date, the value of the company's capital is 50 million AZN. PASHA Insurance offers 36 types of compulsory and voluntary insurance services for around 300 000 individual and corporate customers. This level of capitalization provides PASHA Insurance necessary financial capacity to perform its insurance liabilities confidently and guarantees its solvency. In addition, sufficient availability of internal funds creates a potential for further development of the insurance company. The global rating agency S&P has affirmed PASHA Insurance's long-term credit rating and financial sustainability rating at 'BB', and the rating outlook at 'Stable'. 

PASHA Insurance operates according to requirements of ISO 10001:2018- Quality Management Systems. The company has an international certificate of customer satisfaction "ISO 10002: 2018".