“Healthy Life” Insurance Package by AXA Mbask
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AXA MBASK Insurance Company offers Voluntary Medical Insurance Police named “Healthy Life”.
“Healthy Life” is absolutely new product with no analogues in the country’s insurance market; it offers individuals HOSPITAL SERVICE ONLY.
Any individual, whose age is from 16 to 60, has a right to enter the medical insurance plan.
Besides those listed in the chapter “Exclusions from the insurance plan”, the Insurance Company covers all your medical expenses within the following liability limit:
· - Total annual limit - 30,000 AZN
· - Deferred Period – 6 months
· - Period of continuous stay at hospital - 60 days
· - Territorial Scope – Republic of Azerbaijan
· - Insurance premium – 200 AZN
No surgical operation or hospital service expenses of this period are reimbursed, even in severe and urgent cases (accident cases receive an insurance support as exclusion).
Description of the basic coverage:
· - Surgical operations
· - Treatment by medical specialists (including physiotherapy, medical massage, curing sports, acupuncture, manual therapy)
· - Instrumental diagnostics and laboratory analysis
· - Providing medicines prescribed
· - Post-surgical and general care
· - Reanimation
· - Rehabilitation
· - Providing a patient with meal and ward (the coverage includes standard double ward)
Rehabilitation: During the period of 3 months after a surgical operation included into to Insurance Plan, reimbursement of the expenses for laboratory analysis and medical examination by specialist physicians, performed in direct connection with the surgery applied and under condition of the related medical appointment, is guaranteed. The Insurance Plan doesn’t cover providing with medicines prescribed for rehabilitation period and receiving of physiotherapeutic procedures including physiotherapy, medical massage, curing sports, acupuncture, manual therapy.
Description of Additional Coverage:
· - Oncologic diseases:
In situations when the surgical operation of benign tumours is needed for the patient’s living and staying in life, the surgery operation is covered by insurance.
The surgery operation of malignant tumours is covered by insurance.
Note: Course of the chemical treatment, medicines used during this treatment and relevant injections are covered by insurance only during the period of 3 months after a surgical operation applied, in frames of the rehabilitation support plan and according to the medical prescription from the doctor.
· - Cardio-Surgery:
Surgical operation on aortic-coronary bypass surgery and implantation of the cardio-stands for treatment of an acute myocardial infarction is covered by insurance only if infarction was defined by a doctor as happened during the insurance period. When the need for surgery has been approved, the insurance company covers expenses on the angiography.
· - Transplantation of Organs
The insurance company covers expenses for surgical operations on transplantation of organs only when its need resulted from an accident.
Note: Search for the needed transplantation organ’s donor, buying of that organ as well as the related expenses coverage – none of these is included into the insurance plan. When the alive donor is used for transplantation, the insurance company does not cover expenses for surgery operation on taking the organ from the donor. If the operation didn’t result in donor organ’s reception, transplantation repetition within the same insurance period is not included into the insurance plan.
· - varicose expansion of veins of the lower limbs (surgical operation)
Insurance covers necessary surgical operation on varicose expansion of veins of the lower limbs. Surgery intervention performed for getting rid of the venous asterisk belongs to plastic surgery and its coverage is not included into the insurance plan. Pampinocele is considered to be an inborn pathology and thus its surgery is not included into the insurance plan. Supportive medical accessories needed for post-operational rehabilitation, elastic bandages, stockings etc. are not included into the insurance plan.
· - The insurance plan includes expenses on replacement of a joint with an endoprosthesis, surgical operation on limbs’ prosthetic (inborn pathology cases excluded). Cost of an endoprosthesis itself and costs of prostheses in general are not included into the insurance plan.
* You can obtain broad information on diseases and accidents which are not included into the insurance plan here.
· - We insist advising you: when the Insurance accident occurred, please immediately contact the Consultation-Coordination Centre of the insurance company, and our doctor-coordinators will advise you about how you should submit to the insurance company the information needed for receiving high level medical service in a short time.
· - Any treatment, examination etc., not agreed with the insurance company in advance, will not receive an insurance coverage.
· - The listed below is information, which necessarily should be submitted to the insurance company for the primary expertise needs, and the insurance company takes an obligation to keep it in secret:
· - Name, Surname, Patronymic of the Insured and his/her insurance police number.
· - Name of the medical enterprise which performed the examination
· - Name, surname and telephone numbers of the doctor, who performed the examination
· - Broad description of the medical diagnosis.
· - Original documentation of all the diagnostic and laboratory analysis related to the insurance event.
· - Doctor’s notification confirming the need for stationary aid.
After all of the listed above documents are submitted, then our highly experienced medical experts will perform the medical expertise of the insured event.
When the medical expertise by the insurance company confirms that the insured event had occurred in accordance with conditions of the contract between the insurance company and the patient, then you will be advised about the best medical establishments and highly experienced medical specialists providing medical services for your diagnosis; clinical consultations will be provided; you will be instructed about all procedures needed; control on the medical aid’s guarantied quality will be organized.
You can contact our Consultation-Coordination Department at the phone number (012) 950.
Our company has created its own system providing high level of the medical aid. This system includes advanced medical establishments operating in Baku area and Azerbaijan regions. The listed below clinics and apothecia are ready to provide their high level medical aid.
The Central Clinic * Baku, Parliament Str., 76 '439 24 30
The Central Hospital for Oil Industry Workers * Baku, Yusif Safarov Str., 19 '490 13 19
“Mediluks”* *Baku, O.Salamzadeh Str., 66B '563 55 05
“Ortoped” Private Suty Hospital * Baku, Samed Vurghun Str., 138 '440 51 11
“Uniklinika” Endo Clinic* * Baku, B.Aghayev Str., 115 '510 80 70
“Diaqnoz” Medical Centre* Baku, Sarayev Str., 19 '(050) 323 31 98
“HB Co Ltd” Medical Centre* Baku, Ataturk Ave, Block 3078 '436 14 96
“NEW GANJA” Medical Centre* Gəncə şəhəri, Yeni Gəncə qəs., 28 May küçəsi '051 386 46 13
“Real” Medical Centre * Sumgayit, Block 45, Building 14 ' (018) 642 45 80
“N-KAY-M” Medical Centre * Xachmaz, N.Narimanov Str., 49 '(0172) 3 66 77 (74)
DNK Medical Centre * Ganja, 20 Yanvar Str., 52 '(994 222) 59-07-15
OKI Qusarı* *Gusar, F.Mustafayev Str., 27 '(0138) 5 29 15
In case you have any displeasure about medical services provided by “Contractor Medical Establishments”, please immediately inform our company by contacts listed below:
Mob: 050-225-31-30
Phone: 012 493-53-09;
E-mail: medical@axambask.az
Our expert will immediately answer your questions and do the best for defending your interest and finding satisfying you solutions. On your complaining, all possible necessary measures to solve the problem will be undertaken. We ensure you that the highest level medical aid is available for you.