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Compulsory Insurance Program “EvMobil” by AtaInsurance

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Human being comes to the world only once. And everyone tries to live happily as he wants to be happy all his life. Together with his family and his children. 
Of course, not everyone can live the same life. But whatever happens, a warm nest, a comfortable and safe life is the right of everyone.
What is EvMobil?
EvMobil insurance package is one of the latest products offered by AtaInsurance OJSC to its customers. As it is known from the name, the package combines two insurance products - home and car insurance.
Five reasons to buy "EvMobil" 
  • You can apply to "AtaInsurance" within the Evmobil insurance package and get a gift when you sign up for the insurance agreement.
  • So, if you voluntarily insure your home and your car, then you get compulsory insurance for both your insurance contracts, ie your home (property) and car insurance, free of charge from AtaInsurance.
  • Within the home insurance package, you will be insured against your property and your car against major risks.
  • We provide quality service related to all relevant insurance issues.
  • You will be compensated for your return to the previous financial position.