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Article 53.4th of the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "On compulsory insurance" states that, Regardless of person the relevant compulsory insurance policy has been issued to, under the present Part, any person legally using motor vehicle (own vehicle a on a legitimate basis or the actual ownership of the vehicle or, in other words, who rented him or who has operated on the basis of power of attorney or, one of the persons exploited legally exploiting a vehicle on a legitimate basis ) shall be recognized as insured person whose property interests under civil liability against third parties is insured. While a legitimate number of more than a person are driving a car, only one of them must be insured. The insurance will be covers all other legitimate users of this vehicle. Compulsory insurance certificates are signed through the information system of the Compulsory Insurance Bureau that only one insurance certificate can be issued in the information system.

In case of accident, it is important to call 102 and ask the police officers to come to the accident scene.
If there are injured persons as a result of road accident, in order to rescue their lives call 103 ambulances, 112 MES and other appropriate institutions.
In case of accident, the insurance company insured guilty motor vehicles must be informed immediately:
 - Hotlines of insurance company is specified on the insurance policy
 - If you do not know the hotlines of insurance company, utilize 9707 SMS service
In order to obtain information on whether the guilty vehicle owner is insured under compulsory insurance or not or which insurance company insured the vehicle, you can send SMS with vehicle registration number to 9707.
Do not leave the accident area.
Maintain the damaged property in the condition right after accident and submit to the insurance company (or to its representative). In the following situations it is possible to remove damaged property or not to submit in the condition right after accident:
  • Prevention of damage or reduction of, elimination of the consequences of the accident, elimination of impediment of damaged property to the action of other persons, in case of probability of risk for further losses to take appropriate measures in order to avoid uncontrolled case and also in the case of removal of the damaged property for these purposes
  • In case of representative of insurance company fails to review the damaged property within 5 days after being informed on insurance accident
  • In other cases when insurance company is in a possession of written approval in order not to maintain the damaged property in the condition right after accident.
  • Follow the instructions of the representative of the insurance company.
Within three days after submission of verbal information on insurance accident demand written claim form from the insurance company and filling this form immediately submit this to the insurance company.


With the exception of cases when a person's life or health is damaged, if third party’s guily is determined in case of insured event along with the insured then insurance compensation for the damage is decreasing compared to the degree of guilt. Degree of Third Party’s guilt is determined by State Traffic Police. For example, guilty of committing the incident is 40% for one of the parties. So, that person should be given 3000 manat, if the degree is 60%, that person should be given an insurance payment up to 2000 manat

Except for the following cases, a State Traffic Police statement is required to receive the insurance compensation:
- When the accident occurs in the presence of not more than two vehicles;
- There is no dispute between the parties on the identification of the person who guilty of the occurrence of the incident;
- If the result of the accident does not harm health;
- The volume of the damage as a result of the event is not more than 1000 manat is likely by the event participants and the insurer.

In the case of covered loss Insured or beneficiary person must inform the insurer immediately after the incident or within the shortest possible time and apply for a written insurance request to receive insurance compensation.

The amount of insurance premium on Compulsory motor vehicle owner’s thirty party liability insurance is determined in accordance with the “Rules for calculation of insurance premium amount for compulsory motor third party liability insurance” approved by Decree Q-01 of December 6, 2011 of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Azerbaijan, According to these Rules, the base amount of current insurance premium is set at 50 AZN and the engine is applied to vehicles up to a capacity of 1500 cm3. As the car's engine volume increases, ratios of 1.5 to 5 are applied to base insurance premium. Also, according to the Bonus-Malus system, “accidental history” is to be paid will affect their insurance premium. The essence of this system is that insurance premiums paid by good drivers (no crash record) are reduced every year.  The insurance premium paid by other drivers who have been incurring an accident and getting insurance compensation, it is increased. The bonus-malus system is currently unavailable. The ratios according to the type of motor vehicle and the Bonus-Malus class are shown in the above-mentioned Rules.

According to the Article 56th of Law of the Azerbaijan Republic on Compulsory Insurances, Insurance amounts under standard and frontier insurance agreements of compulsory civil liability insurance of motor vehicle owners for personal injuries which may be caused to third parties shall be determined in the following amounts:
Insurance amount for personal injuries– 5.000 manat per person, not more than 50.000 manat per accident;
For third parties’ property damage 5.000 manat.

Article 53.4th of the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "On compulsory insurance" states that, Regardless of person the relevant compulsory insurance policy has been issued to, under the present Part, any person legally using motor vehicle (own vehicle a on a legitimate basis or the actual ownership of the vehicle or, in other words, who rented him or who has operated on the basis of power of attorney or, one of the persons exploited legally exploiting a vehicle on a legitimate basis ) shall be recognized as insured person whose property interests under civil liability against third parties is insured. While a legitimate number of more than a person are driving a car, only one of them must be insured. The insurance will be covers all other legitimate users of this vehicle.  Compulsory insurance certificates are signed through the information system of the Compulsory Insurance Bureau that only one insurance certificate can be issued in the information system.

Where an amount paid to the victim is less than an amount of damage, insurer shall carry out insurance payment through the payment for difference between paid amount and damage amount and amount of compensation paid to policy holder or insured person or other insurer which submitted a claim by way of subrogation.
For example, 2000 manat was damaged as a result of the incident and 1500 manat was reimbursement by guilty person or suffered person’s voluntary motor insurance. So that, guilty person’s insurance company pays remining 500 manat to the suffered person. At the same time, the insurer returns the paid 1500 manat to the insured or other insurance company who has submitted a subrogration procedure.

Where insured person or third party has not received, inter vivos, insurance payment stipulated for personal injury, amount of insurance payment which was payable to him/her or outstanding part of that amount shall be paid to his/her family members acting in the capacity of beneficiaries.

Family members of the deceased (spouses, parents and children).

Compulsory Insurance Bureau.

After the agreement between the parties on the amount of damage, the insurance reimbursement is paid on the basis of the choice of the insurer in any of the following forms:
  • repayment of damages in cash to the beneficiary;
  • the payment of the value of the service or goods shown to thepolicy holder, insured person or beneficiary to the service provider or seller for damages multiplied by the insurance event;
  • repair or recovery of property belonging to an insured person or a third party who suffered
  • The replacement of assets subject to insurance, in accordance with the terms specified in this contract, if specified in the insurance contract.

Everyone who is driving a car may face the risk of damaging the property or health of a third party. In that case, you have to pay for the damage caused to the other party in case you are guilty of the incident. The existence of compulsory car insurance exempt you from this obligation.

Bureau provides compensation payment not later than 7 working days after date of receipt latest documents related with accident or applicant shall notify about written explanation of the refusal to pay compensation.

Bureau provides compensation payment not later than 7 working days after date of receipt latest documents related with accident or applicant shall notify about written explanation of the refusal to pay compensation.

The following documents are submitted to the Compulsory Insurance Bureau for obtaining compensation:
- a copy of the identity card of the victim;
- in relevant cases – medical reference about injury rate for the personal injury of third parties or insured person as a result of occurrence of circumstance which may be deemed to be an insurance accident, and copy of reference of social and medical expert commission reflecting disability group, reason and date of its assignment, in case of disability
- in relevant cases, in case of death of third party or insured person as a result of occurrence of circumstance which may be deemed to be an insurance accident – copy of medical examination opinion about cause of death, copy of death certificate as well as copies of relevant documents (birth certificate or identity card, marriage certificate in respect of husband (wife) certifying relational connection of the dead person with his/her family members;
- in relevant cases, when third party or insured person dies within the period of 3 years due to personal injury as a result of occurrence of circumstance which may be deemed to be an insurance accident – copy of medical examination opinion certifying cause-and-effect relation of his/her death with the accident, copy of death certificate as well as copies of relevant documents (birth certificate or identity card, marriage certificate in respect of husband (wife) certifying relational connection of the dead person with his/her family members;
- a joint application of a member of his family, approved by the notary public for the payment of compensation, in the event of a third person's death as a result of a traffic accident.
- insurance has reimbursed any payment in connection with the harm inflicted to health – duly authenticated copy of document certifying such payment

Compulsory Insurance Bureau. The following information will be available to contant with Bureau:
Baku city (AZ 1009) , Bashir Safaroglu street 133, «SAT Plaza»,11th floor;
Tel: +994 12 5950020; faks +994 12 5950030; GSM +994 50 2838083
E-mail: web:

Compensation payments are paid in accordance with the procedure and amount provided for the payment of insurance indemnity for the relevant compulsory insurance type. In calculating compensation payments, any insurer and (or) the person who is liable for damages shall be deducted from the amount paid to the victim for compensation of the damage.

Compensation shall be made by the Bureau if fulfillment of insurance payments for property damage and personal injuries are impossible in the following cases:
- When the insurer is unable to comply with its obligations to compensate for damages caused to health and / or property as provided for in the compulsory insurance agreement because of lack of payment ability;
- Where a damage to health of a third party is caused by an unknown vehicle;
- Where damages to the health of a third party are caused by a person who is not in possession of the compulsory insurance agreement for the third party liability as required under Charter III of the Law On Compulsory Insurance.

- insurer’s right of subrogation in the amount of insurance payment granted under compulsory civil liability insurance against policy holder or insured person, in relevant cases, shall emerge in the following cases:
- where insurance accident is a result of intentional, illegal actions of policy holder or insured person aimed at occurrence of that accident, except for actions excluding administrative liability or avoiding criminal component of action;
- unless otherwise provided in the Special chapter of the present Law under any type of insurance, where policy holder or insured person or their representative, authorized person deviates from examination conducted by the competent authority in connection with detection of exploitation of property (building, construction, motor vehicle, device, installation, equipment etc.) in alcoholic intoxication as a result of consumption of alcohol, narcotic drugs, psychotropic and other drastic substances on the moment of occurrence of insurance accident as well as the fact of use of aforesaid substances;
- where property indicated in compulsory insurance policy is exploited by the person who is not entitled to use, manage, apply and exploit it in other form, provided that if relevant property has been exploited unauthorized person without policy holder’s or insured person’s knowledge (except for cases where they are obliged to know), right of subrogation shall emerge against that person;
- where insurance accident occurred during the use of property indicated in compulsory insurance policy for purposes not corresponding to its technical assignment;
- where policy holder (insured person) or its representative, during the insurance accident, intentionally failed to take possible measures to prevent infliction of greater damage and/or to diminish it, as well as to rescue the life of sufferer or persons who might presumably suffer from damage, provided that rights of subrogation emerges in such a volume in which amount of damage might be diminished, if aforesaid measures had been taken;
- where insurance accident is accompanied with action intentionally committed by policy holder or insured person who is not recognized as victim, during the fulfillment of one or another type of activity with breach of requirement of the law regulating such type of activity;
- where policy holder or insured person, during the conclusion of insurance agreement, has not informed insurer intentionally or has submitted false information about all circumstances which should be included into the agreement as well as about all known circumstances which may affect insurer’s decision about rejection of agreement or its conclusion with altered contents, as well as all circumstances associated with the change of insurance risk upon conclusion of agreement;

Where a property damage of third party as a result of insurance accident is fully reimbursed by policy holder or insured person as well as by insurer which is a party of another relevant insurance agreement concluded by third party, insurer shall pay insurance payment in the amount of insurance amount to policy holder or insured person or other insurer which submitted a claim by way of subrogation.

Either the policy holder or the insured person, or the beneficiary is not notify insurer by any means about the occurrence of insurance event that shall be informed about this event immediately or as soon as possible after receiving the information about the event

As a result either the policy holder or the insured person, or the beneficiary does not informed to insurer immediately or as soon as possible after receiving the information about the event, the insurer is deprived of an opportunity to determine whether the event is an insurance event

- in the appropriate cases - the person affected, as well as the commitment by him (her) of intentional offence, which is in a direct causal connection with the event

- upon the occurrence of event as a consequence of circumstances, which are considered as military operations or military measures, if the agreement or laws on compulsory insurance does not provide for the insurance of war risks;

- if the policy holder, having the capability to take the necessary and possible measures to prevent or eliminate the volume of damage caused to the insured property, intentionally does not take these measures; in this case, to refuse to pay the insurance indemnity may be possible only to the extent, to which the volume of damage would have been reduced if the insurer had taken the possible measures;

- full or partial deprivation of the opportunity of the insurer to identify the volume of damage as a result of the failure to comply in connection with submission of damaged property to the insurer

- if thepolicy holder, insured person or the beneficiary under the property insurance fully receives the indemnity for the damage from the person responsible for causing the damage; in case if the wrongdoer partially pays the compensation, then the waiver of insurance indemnity shall be permitted in the volume of amount paid.

- if the occurred event is not considered to be the insurance event in accordance with laws on compulsory insurance or the insurance agreement;

- in case of the failure to pay the respective part of insurance fee upon the expiry of 15 days from the moment of expiry of the term of payment of any part of insurance fee provided for in the agreement and upon the occurrence of insured accident upon the expiry of 3 days from the moment of completion of the term defined by the insurer;

- in other cases referred to in laws on compulsory insurance.

The contract is not terminated. However, it is desirable to issue the contract on behalf of the new owner of the vehicle.

Of course.

Bonus-malus system is is a system of discounts and supplements, envisaging the application of ratios or incremental insurance premiums in relation to the insured, depending on whether the insurance event occurred due to the fault of the vehicle driver on previous insurance contracts.

Third party is understood as natural persons who suffered as a result of movement or inactivity of the insured, and also have the right to receive insurance compensation. İf a natural person dies, his family members – or leagal entities or their successors are consideres as third parties. At the same time, policy holder’s family members, and and persons who are not party to the insurance contract on compulsory third party civil liability insurance are not considered as third parties.

Failure to conclude an obligatory insurance contract with an insurer by natural and legal persons identified to be obliged to obligatorily insure relevant risks as provided by the Legislation shall entail imposition of penalty:
on natural persons - at the rate of ten manat, on officials – at the rate of sixty to eighty manat,
on legal persons – one hundred fifty to two hundred manat.

If damage to a car or property of several third parties as a result of an insurance accident and the aggregate amount of the individually calculated commitment to each of the victim exceeds 5,000 manat, compensation payment to each victim is made in proportion to the total insurance amount.
For example, as a result of road traffic accident, three vehicles were damaged. Damage to A vehicle was set at 2000 manat, B 3000 manat, C 1550 manat. In this case, the amount of the insurance is divided into the total amount of the loss calculated and the figure received is multiplied by the amount of the loss calculated on each vehicle.

According to 51.3rd article of Law of the Azerbaijan Republic on Compulsory Insurances, In case of disposal of property regarded to agreement on compulsory civil liability insurance of motor vehicle owners concluded in accordance with the present Law, policy holder shall be entitled to terminate that agreement.

Article 71st of the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "On compulsory insurance" states that, Compulsory insurance agreements concluded prior to the entry into force of the present Law shall retain their legal force until the expiry of terms specified in those agreements. If your compulsory insurance contract has not expired, this will be taken into account. That is, a new compulsory insurance agreement must be concluded after the expiry of the term specified in that contract.

Please be informed that the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On compulsory insurance" came into force on 18.10.2011 and Starting from December 16, 2011 insurance contracts (certificates) of compulsory motor third party liability insurance have been signed through the Information System of Compulsory Insurance Bureau. Contracts (certificates) of compulsory insurance concluded between 18.10.2011 and 15.12.2011 was deemed invalid. As of December 16, 2011, the insurance contracts (certificates) of which are concluded through the information system of the Bureau and available in its information resources are valid.

While a legitimate number of more than a person are driving a car, only one of them must be insured. The insurance will be covers all other legitimate users of this vehicle.

Yes. Thus, according to the Law on Compulsory insurance, Any person who owns vehicle a on a legitimate basis or the actual ownership of the vehicle or, in other words, who rented him or who has operated on the basis of power of attorney or, one of the persons exploited legally exploiting a vehicle on a legitimate basis must be insure the vehicle. You can insure the car which you drive under the power of attorney.

Article 53.4th of the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "On compulsory insurance" states that, Regardless of person the relevant compulsory insurance policy has been issued to, under the present Part, any person legally using motor vehicle (own vehicle a on a legitimate basis or the actual ownership of the vehicle or, in other words, who rented him or who has operated on the basis of power of attorney or, one of the persons exploited legally exploiting a vehicle on a legitimate basis ) shall be recognized as insured person whose property interests under civil liability against third parties is insured. While a legitimate number of more than a person are driving a car, only one of them must be insured. The insurance will be covers all other legitimate users of this vehicle.  Compulsory insurance certificates are signed through the information system of the Compulsory Insurance Bureau that only one insurance certificate can be issued for the vehicle  in the information system.

Of course.

Where insurer fails to arrange an assessment of amount of property damage within the period of 7 working days from the moment of notification about occurrence of insurance accident, policy holder and insured person as well as aggrieved third parties may start an assessment and elimination of damage independent expert or specialist dealing with assessment activity. If, in such case, insurer fails to prove that it was not able to arrange assessment of damage in time due to death or disease of property owner or due to failure of policy holder, insured person or aggrieved third parties to create conditions for the assessment of property, it should accept results of assessment carried out by aggrieved third parties as provided in the present Article.

No. The Insurer cannot refuse. In the mentioned case, the insurer must pay insurance. In this case, the insurer shall have the right of subrogation in the amount of paid compensation against the person who committed the incident.

If the state registration number of wrongdoer vehicle is known, it is possible to identify the insurer through the information system and apply for insurance claim to the insurer. If it is impossible to identify insurer, In order to identify that guilty person, victim should apply to the police department on the incident scene.

Where a total amount of obligation calculated separately in respect of injured persons for the damage caused to a number of third persons exceeds 50000 manat, compensation payment to be granted to each injured person shall be made in the sum of that amount (50000 manat) proportionate to the damage caused to him/her. Compensation payments for the damage caused to the health shall be paid in the following amounts:
compensation payments for the damage caused to the health shall be paid in the following amounts:
1. Death of injured person, including death within the period of 3 years from the date of insured accident occurred as a result of bodily injury; disease, poisoning or contusion received —100%;
2. Declaration of the injured person as dead by the legally effective court decision — 100%;
3. Designation of disability group, as required by the legislation, within the period of 3 years from the date of occurrence of insured accident as a result of bodily injury, disease, poisoning or contusion of injured person:
  • 80% for I disability group or Restrictions on health care until the age of 18;
  • 60% for II disability group or limitation of health opportunities for five years;
  • 40% for III disability group or the limitation of health opportunities for a period of two years or six months to two years;
4. 30% for serious injury without designation of disability group;
5. 15% for slight injury.

No. With compulsory car insurance, the insurer will be guaranteed the compensation for damages caused to property or health of a third party as a result of your car's exploitation.

- In case of accident immediately inform insurance company by calling through the phone number indicated on the certificate;
- If there are injured persons as a result of road accident, in order to rescue their lives inform 103 ambulance, 112 MES and other appropriate institutions;
- There should be no changes at the accident are before the arrival of representatives of insurance company or other officials;
- In case of accident, all necessary steps should be taken on for preventing damages and for saving people’s life;
- Inform the injured people about the compulsory insurance contract (agreement);
- Follow the instructions of the representative of the insurance company;
- Within three days after submission of verbal information on insurance accident demand written claim form from the insurance company and filling this form immediately submit this to the insurance company.

* In case of accident immediately inform insurance company by calling through the phone number indicated on the certificate.
* In case of accident, all necessary steps should be taken on for preventing damages.
* Maintain the damaged property in the condition right after accident and submit to the insurance company (or to its representative).
In the following situations it is possible to remove damaged property or not to submit in the condition right after accident:
  • Prevention of damage or elimination of the consequences of the accident, elimination of impediment of damaged property to the action of other persons, in case of probability of risk for further losses to take appropriate measures in order to avoid uncontrolled case and also in the case of removal of the damaged property for these purposes
  • In case of representative of insurance company fails to review the damaged property within 5 days after being informed on insurance accident
  • In other cases when insurance company is in a possession of written approval in order not to maintain the damaged property in the condition right after accident.
* Follow the instructions of the representative of the insurance company.
* Within three days after submission of verbal information on insurance accident demand written claim form from the insurance company and filling this form immediately submit this to the insurance company.

When the motor vehicle was sold, the insured had the right to terminate the contract.

In case of loss or destruction of the insurance certificate, it is necessary to apply to the insurer to get the duplicate of the certificate. No fee is paid for the duplicate.

Upon the conclusion of a compulsory insurance agreement, the insurer represents the compulsory insurance certificate to the insured that affirms the fact of the contract. Also, your mobile number will be receiving SMS from short number 9707.

Within the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

No. All the rights and obligations of the insured person during the period of validity of the compulsory car insurance agreement are also applicable to other drivers and each driver is not required to have a compulsory car insurance certificate.

Policy holder, insured person and victim.

Compulsory insurance agreementt shall be effective only in case of its conclusion through the information system provided in the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic on Compulsory Insurances and its existence in the information resource of that system. After entering the information in the insurance agreement was entered into the information system, it will be sent SMS to your mobile number from 9707 short number.

In the occurence of insurance accident, policy holder, insured person or beneficiary must immediately notify the insurer or his representative at any time as soon as possible, or within the shortest possible time, of the incident, at the same time, notify the State Traffic Police about incident by any ways.

By using 9707 SMS Service, you, as mobile phone user, can get validity confirmation together with other information regarding the signed contract on compulsory third party liability insurance of motor vehicles.
Send motor vehicle’s state registration number without blanks (example: 10PX806) via SMS to the short number 9707 or Send the insurance policy number (example: PAT1100000001) via SMS to the short number 9707.

The service facility, where the damaged vehicle is repaired as a result of an insurance event, is determined on the basis of the insurer's choice.

If the victim died, insured person died or injured, the insurance claim was made by family members.

Article 53.4th of the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "On compulsory insurance" states that, Regardless of person the relevant compulsory insurance policy has been issued to, under the present Part, any person legally using motor vehicle (own vehicle a on a legitimate basis or the actual ownership of the vehicle or, in other words, who rented him or who has operated on the basis of power of attorney or, one of the persons exploited legally exploiting a vehicle on a legitimate basis ) shall be recognized as insured person whose property interests under civil liability against third parties is insured. While a legitimate number of more than a person are driving a car, only one of them must be insured. The insurance will be covers all other legitimate users of this vehicle.  Compulsory insurance certificates are signed through the information system of the Compulsory Insurance Bureau that only one insurance certificate can be issued for the vehicle  in the information system.

According to 56th article of Law of the Azerbaijan Republic on Compulsory Insurances, Insurance amounts under standard and frontier insurance agreements of compulsory civil liability insurance of motor vehicle owners for personal injuries which may be caused to third parties shall be determined in the following amounts:
Insurance amount for personal injuries– 5.000 manat per person, not more than 50.000 manat per accident;
For property damage of third parties – 5.000 manat.

* In case of accident immediately inform insurance company by calling through the phone number indicated on the certificate;
* If there are injured persons as a result of road accident, in order to rescue their lives inform 103 ambulances, 112 MES and other appropriate institutions;
* In case of accident, all necessary steps should be taken on for preventing damages;
* Inform the injured people about the compulsory insurance contract (agreement);
* Maintain the damaged property in the condition right after accident and submit to the insurance company (or to its representative);
* In the following situations it is possible to remove damaged property or not to submit in the condition right after accident:
    • Prevention of damage or reduction of, elimination of the consequences of the accident, elimination of impediment of damaged property to the action of other persons, in case of probability of risk for further losses to take appropriate measures in order to avoid uncontrolled case and also in the case of removal of the damaged property for these purposes
    • In case of representative of insurance company fails to review the damaged property within 5 days after being informed on insurance accident
    • In other cases when insurance company is in a possession of written approval in order not to maintain the damaged property in the condition right after accident
* Follow the instructions of the representative of the insurance company;
* Within three days after submission of verbal information on insurance accident demand written claim form from the insurance company and filling this form immediately submit this to the insurance company

Insurance payment for property damage shall be made at insurer’s option in the form of expenses for repair, restoration or replacement of property or in the form of direct payment of amount of assessed damage to the beneficiary.

Mandatory health insurance is a form of social protection of population. It is as a system of juridical, economic and institutional measures established by the government mainly focused on provision of primary health care, first aid and emergency medical assistance to population (insured) in case of insurance claim from resources of mandatory medical insurance and in provision of the medical services within the specified conditions of benefit package to insured.

The purpose of mandatory health Insurance is accordingly to a new economic basis to improve the existing financing mechanisms of health sector and therefore increase the quality of medical services and the population’s access to these services.

Mandatory health insurance has been implementing as a pilot scheme in Mingachevir city, Yevlakh (the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan No. 1127 of 29 November 2016) and Aghdash rayons (the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan No. 1830 of 16 February 2018).

A benefit package is a set of health services provided to insured person accordingly to the type, volume and conditions of health services provision and paid for from the mandatory health insurance fund.

List of medical services included in the benefit package and their prices was approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan No.1181 of December 28, 2016. The total number of medical services covered by the benefit package of MHI which are applicable in the administrative areas of Mingachevir city, Yevlakh and Aghdash rayons is 1829:
  1. Primary healthcare - 18
  2. First aid and emergency medical care - 6
  3. Outpatient service - 480
  4. Inpatient services - 677
  5. Laboratory services - 459
  6. Physiotherapy services – 23
  7. Vital and important expensive medical services – 166

The list of medical services not covered by the benefit package and their prices were approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan No. 1181 of December 28, 2016.

Medicines used within stationary treatment and the provision of emergency medical assistance are covered by the benefit package.

All citizens officially registered in Mingachevir city, Yevlakh and Aghdash rayons and IDPs settled in the pilot project areas are entitled to mandatory health insurance.

Yes, the insured can visit any health-specialists in Mingachevir city Central Hospital, Yevlakh and Aghdash rayons Central Hospitals within the pilot project.  Medical facilities in Baku and Ganja cities under the agreement with the Agency deliver medical services that are included in the benefit package but not provided by hospitals in pilot areas.

Calls for emergency medical assistance should be made only in emergency and urgent cases. This service is available and free for all citizens.

Family physicians attached to the insured and in urgent cases an ambulance crew provide home health care services.

Inpatient medical examination and treatment are provided on the basis of medical conditions and prescriptions. The medicines and medical supplies (the exception are special medical supplies - prosthesis, implant, etc.) used in these cases and daily meal is included in the benefit package.
If time spent in the hospital is longer than the time prescribed in the benefit package, and the hospital stay based on medical conditions and prescriptions the State Agency for Mandatory Health Insurance meets all costs. Otherwise, the prolong hospital stay at the in-patient department demands the extra payment in accordance with the price-list of the benefit package.

Family physician is a specialist who specializes in diagnosis, prevention and treatment of adults’ and children’s diseases.  If an insured has any medical issue, he first and foremost should see the family physician. Family physicians may provide treatment or based on medical prescriptions send the patient for instrumental or laboratory testing, and if necessary, to refer him to health-specialists for treatment.