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Which risks are included in Compulsory MTPL insurance?
What should be done if there is an insurance case for compulsory vehicle liability insurance for motor vehicle owners?
Prevention of damage or reduction of, elimination of the consequences of the accident, elimination of impediment of damaged property to the action of other persons, in case of probability of risk for further losses to take appropriate measures in order to avoid uncontrolled case and also in the case of removal of the damaged property for these purposes
In case of representative of insurance company fails to review the damaged property within 5 days after being informed on insurance accident
In other cases when insurance company is in a possession of written approval in order not to maintain the damaged property in the condition right after accident.
Follow the instructions of the representative of the insurance company.
How is the insurance payment given to each road traffic accident participant if participants are guilty?
Is State Traffic Police certificate mandatory to get Compulsory MTPL insurance payment?
In which period is it necessary to apply to the insurer to get the insurance payment?
How much is MTLP insurance premium?
How much is MTLP Insurance payment?
Who can get insurance payment for damage to property on Compulsory MTPL insurance?
Should the insurer pay insurance compensation when the offender pays compensation for damages?
Who can get insurance compensation for health damage in compulsory vehicle insurance?
Who can get insurance payment for a person who died as a result of traffic accident?
If the insurer goes bankrupt which institution is responsible for the obligation of compulsory vehicle insurance?
How is insurance payment implement?
repayment of damages in cash to the beneficiary;
the payment of the value of the service or goods shown to thepolicy holder, insured person or beneficiary to the service provider or seller for damages multiplied by the insurance event;
repair or recovery of property belonging to an insured person or a third party who suffered
The replacement of assets subject to insurance, in accordance with the terms specified in this contract, if specified in the insurance contract.
Why is Motor Third Party Liability Insurance (Compulsory MTPL) nessesary?
For what period compensation must be paid?
What should be done when the insurer refuses to pay insurance payment?
Which documents are required for getting payment of compensation?
Where to apply for compensation?
Tel: +994 12 5950020; faks +994 12 5950030; GSM +994 50 2838083
E-mail: web:
What is the amount of compensation?
What is compensation payment?
- Where a damage to health of a third party is caused by an unknown vehicle;
- Where damages to the health of a third party are caused by a person who is not in possession of the compulsory insurance agreement for the third party liability as required under Charter III of the Law On Compulsory Insurance.
In which cases does the Insurer have the right to subrogation for compulsory motor insurance?
What is subrogration right?
Which cases an insurance company may refuse to pay the insurance coverage?
Either the policy holder or the insured person, or the beneficiary is not notify insurer by any means about the occurrence of insurance event that shall be informed about this event immediately or as soon as possible after receiving the information about the event
As a result either the policy holder or the insured person, or the beneficiary does not informed to insurer immediately or as soon as possible after receiving the information about the event, the insurer is deprived of an opportunity to determine whether the event is an insurance event
- in the appropriate cases - the person affected, as well as the commitment by him (her) of intentional offence, which is in a direct causal connection with the event
- upon the occurrence of event as a consequence of circumstances, which are considered as military operations or military measures, if the agreement or laws on compulsory insurance does not provide for the insurance of war risks;
- if the policy holder, having the capability to take the necessary and possible measures to prevent or eliminate the volume of damage caused to the insured property, intentionally does not take these measures; in this case, to refuse to pay the insurance indemnity may be possible only to the extent, to which the volume of damage would have been reduced if the insurer had taken the possible measures;
- full or partial deprivation of the opportunity of the insurer to identify the volume of damage as a result of the failure to comply in connection with submission of damaged property to the insurer
- if thepolicy holder, insured person or the beneficiary under the property insurance fully receives the indemnity for the damage from the person responsible for causing the damage; in case if the wrongdoer partially pays the compensation, then the waiver of insurance indemnity shall be permitted in the volume of amount paid.
- if the occurred event is not considered to be the insurance event in accordance with laws on compulsory insurance or the insurance agreement;
- in case of the failure to pay the respective part of insurance fee upon the expiry of 15 days from the moment of expiry of the term of payment of any part of insurance fee provided for in the agreement and upon the occurrence of insured accident upon the expiry of 3 days from the moment of completion of the term defined by the insurer;
- in other cases referred to in laws on compulsory insurance.
If the car was sold to someone else, will the Compulsory MTPL insurance certificate be void?
Should you change the compulsory vehicle insurance certificate when the state registration place of the vehicle changes?
Of course.
What is the bonus-malus system?
Who are the third parties?
What is the penalty for driving a vehicle without Compulsory MTPL insurance?
How is the amount of insurance indemnity calculated on the damage to a car or property of several Third Parties?
My car is insured and if I want to sell it, will the insurance contract be terminated?
What is the date on drivers should follow the changes to the law on "Compulsory motor third party liability insurance? If this is not the end of the $ 10 insurance last year, is this a consideration? So, should we get insurance after the old insurance is over?
I applied to the State Traffic Police, they gived me mail, so I'm asking you my question. In December 2011, I bought compulsory insurance from Azpetrol. At the moment, how is driving car with this insurance legal and I want to know that situation which in the above mentional, can I the held liable for some administrative liability with the situation? I had like to epress my gratitude.
Hello The car is driven by two people. Will insurance be belong to 2 people?
I drive the car on a power of attorney. Who should insure this car? Can I insure that car myself?
Should a compulsory insurance policy be written for a person and should the compulsory insurance policy be re-written if the same vehicle is issued to another person on the basis of a power of attorney? So is it possible to write two insurance policies for a car?
I control the car based on a power of attorney or a lease agreement. Can I insure that car?
The insurer was given an insurance claim 15 days ago, but since the insurer has taken no steps to assess the loss adjusting. So what can I do?
Accused of road traffic accident was drunk. In this case, can an insurer refuse to pay insurance payment?
The traffic accident participant left the scene of accident and could not be identified. Who should pay the payment to victims?
"What kind of insurance coverage is provided by Compulsory MTPL insurance for damage to life or health of third parties?"
80% for I disability group or Restrictions on health care until the age of 18;
60% for II disability group or limitation of health opportunities for five years;
40% for III disability group or the limitation of health opportunities for a period of two years or six months to two years;
If I am the only guilty of a traffic accident, would Insurer pay me for the damage caused to my car on the coverage of Compulsory MTPL Insurance?
What should be done if there is an insurance event on compulsory personal accident insurance of passengers?
- If there are injured persons as a result of road accident, in order to rescue their lives inform 103 ambulance, 112 MES and other appropriate institutions;
What should be done if there is an insurance event on compulsory real property insurance?
Prevention of damage or elimination of the consequences of the accident, elimination of impediment of damaged property to the action of other persons, in case of probability of risk for further losses to take appropriate measures in order to avoid uncontrolled case and also in the case of removal of the damaged property for these purposes
In case of representative of insurance company fails to review the damaged property within 5 days after being informed on insurance accident
In other cases when insurance company is in a possession of written approval in order not to maintain the damaged property in the condition right after accident.
Can I give early termination of Compulsory MTPL insurance certificate?
What should be done when the Compulsory MTPL insurance certificate is lost?
How is the existence of Compulsory MTPL insurance confirmed?
Where is the Compulsory MTPL insurance certificate valid?
If the car is driven by several drivers, should all of them have a compulsory automobile insurance certificate?
Who can submit an insurance claim to an insurer to receive a compulsory MTPL insurance compensation payment ?
How is the entry into force of the compulsory vehicle insurance document determined?
What should be done when the insurance event occurs?
In the occurence of insurance accident, policy holder, insured person or beneficiary must immediately notify the insurer or his representative at any time as soon as possible, or within the shortest possible time, of the incident, at the same time, notify the State Traffic Police about incident by any ways.
How can I define existance of compulsory MTPL insurance of road-accident participants?
Who determines in which car care service the vehicle will be repaired as a result of an insurance event?
Who was made the insurance claim if the victim was dead ,policy holder was dead or injured?
Should compulsory insurance policy be re-written, If an insurance policy is written for a person and that vehicle is given to another person on a power of attorney? So is it possible to write two insurance policies for a car?
What is the amount of compulsory MTPL insurance?
What should be done if the Compulsory third party liability insurance associated with the use of the real property insurance event occurs?
Prevention of damage or reduction of, elimination of the consequences of the accident, elimination of impediment of damaged property to the action of other persons, in case of probability of risk for further losses to take appropriate measures in order to avoid uncontrolled case and also in the case of removal of the damaged property for these purposes
In case of representative of insurance company fails to review the damaged property within 5 days after being informed on insurance accident
In other cases when insurance company is in a possession of written approval in order not to maintain the damaged property in the condition right after accident
How is insurance compensation pay for damage caused to the property?
What is mandatory health insurance?
What is the purpose of mandatory health insurance?
Where does the pilot scheme run?
What is a benefit package?
What medical services are covered by the benefit package?
Primary healthcare - 18
First aid and emergency medical care - 6
Outpatient service - 480
Inpatient services - 677
Laboratory services - 459
Physiotherapy services – 23
Vital and important expensive medical services – 166