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A-Group Sığorta | About Company

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Xidmətimizdən narazı qaldınızsa bizimlə danışın!

Company Name
A-Group Sığorta
Atakishiyev Məmməd Natiq oğlu
Registration Number
Phone Number
Azadlıq pr., 3, AZ 1000, Bakı Azərbaycan
Official Website
A-GROUP INSURANCE COMPANY was established in 1995. A-Qroup is a private and 100% national company.
A-Qroup Insurance Company deals with Medical Insurance, Personal Accident Insurance, Property Insurance, Vehicle Insurance, Foreign Travel Insurance, Occupational Liability Insurance and other insurance types. But the main direction of its activity is Medical Insurance. For many years, A-Qroup Insurance Company has kept leadership in accordance with Voluntary Medical Insurance in Azerbaijani insurance market. The awards of A-Group Insurance Company: CIBC Award 2005 - dynamic financial development, UGUR Award 2005 –the insurance company of the year. A-Qroup operates under ISO 9001/2008 quality control system.
Our clients' desires and recommendations, the results of the research and long-term business experience of  our experts have been taken into consideration in the development of insurance programs. Our company has developed a specialized medical aid system, including the most advanced clinics operating in Baku and the Republic of Azerbaijan, to provide high-quality customer care.
We are sure that no other company is able to compete with us in the standards of services and medical services that  we provide.
A-Qroup insurance company does its best to ensure customers' comfort and earn their trust.
BP, EXXON, TOTAL E & P,  GEORGIA,  NIDERLAND, FRANCE, NORWAY, ISRAEL, SWEDEN EMBASSIES, such large companies and embassies operated in our Republic have relied  the health of its employees and their family members on A-Qroup Insurance Company .